Tag: Youtube
Music for Streams – Royalty Free and Stream-Friendly Music for Streamers
I’m pretty sure you have already seen that many popular Twitch streamers have been getting DMCA strikes from streams and clips that were years old. I have actually talked with some streamer friends and they didn’t know that playing music might result in DMCA strikes. Playing music in streams has been something that streamers have been…
Twitch Video SEO – How to Rank in Google By NOT BEING a YouTuber?
Let’s have a talk about Twitch Video SEO. You might not have actually even known about this. There is quite a lot of really high profile people sharing tips on how you should start doing content on youtube also. All-in-all it makes sense. They have started their careers by doing content on youtube and they…
Twitch Clips Highlights Tutorial – Video Editing for beginners (Basics)
Did you know that Twitch Clips are the most underused and actually the best tool to promote your stream on different platforms? Why is that? Every platform loves when you upload videos straight into their platform.. Like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc. Your posts appear higher organically than if you would just straight up link to…
IRL Live Streaming Guide – Everything You Need to Know – Twitch, Mixer and YouTube
So i’m back again playing Pokemon Go like a madman. Here i was couple days ago thinking about starting to stream some game play in the cold Finnish snowy world. Then suddenly! Pete just released a video about a new IRL Live Streaming Guide with gear and software recommendations. I thought this might interest you…
How to Make Your Blue Yeti Sound Like a Studio Mic
Voice in your streams matter quite a lot! You can turn from zero to hero in second with good equipment. Blue Yeti is the most commonly used studio mic that streamers and youtubers have used for years already. Currently you can also get it with pretty decent price! If you are looking for a really…
How to Make a YouTube Channel – 2019
Categories: Streaming Guides
Welcome to the how to make a YouTube channel article! As you may already have seen many streamers upload videos to Youtube also. This is a really good way to get your brand noticed and the best thing is that people can actually see content you create even if they haven’t been on your stream.…
How to edit Stream Highlights (Beginner – Professional)
Do you want to create good looking highlights for your stream? Would you like to start a career with editing videos? Then you are in the right place! You might have already seen an earlier post about creating Twitch stream highlights. This post will go more in depth for the whole process of creating the…
How To Make Twitch Highlights
On this post you are going to learn how to easily make Twitch Highlights from your past streams. That you can let be in Twitch or even upload to YouTube to reach some more people who might have missed your stream. Update: 1.1.2019 – New video by FIFA Trickster This post is part of the…