How to Find Streamers to Play Your Game? Game Developer Edition
Lately, I have seen an increasing amount of game developers trying to find places to get in touch with streamers to play and stream their games on Twitch.
So I thought why not help you, folks, out and gather some really good places where you actually can find streamers to work with.
But first, let’s drill down some basics that you need to know before venturing on the world of Twitch live streaming and contacting streamers.
If you want to know an even more detailed plan and how-to guide I would suggest you The Ultimate Guide for Promoting Your Game with Twitch Influencers made by powerspike.
In this post, we are going to straight-up focus on the finding part and making it a lot easier. So you don’t have to spend hundreds of hours browsing the Twitch directory.
How to get in touch with Streamers?
The people at Ask Gamedev have created a really good video about the basics and need-to-know stuff. Watch this video first and then I tell you the really good places you can go to.
Did you watch the video? If so.. Awesome! If not do you know what kind of things will help streamer to promote your game better? What kind of documents or information should you provide for the streamer? If not.. Watch it 😉 No cheating 😀
As a game developer you most likely have been watching Twitch streamers for awhile. But you don’t know how big of a community of streamers there actually is behind the scenes. Everyone is battling for that affiliate and partnership status all the time.
Let me share you some streaming communities and good websites you can actually go to and start promoting your game more efficiently.
TwitchKittens – Streaming Community
TwitchKittens is one of the largest streaming communities there is. You can join up at TwitchKittens and find new streamers to work with. Discord is where it’s at these days and you can easily get in touch with small to mid-sized streamers this way. After you have joined TwitchKittens I suggest you get in touch with the admins in the Discord. They are the best folks to help you to spread awareness of your game.
Streamer size – You can find here:
Small streamers, Mid-Sized, Large streamers and partnered streamers.
Twitch Streamers and Networking (TSAN) – Streaming Community
Another great and really active streaming community is Twitch Streamers and networking Facebook Group aka TSAN. TSAN started as a Facebook group that is still really active and holds high standards for posting going live content. This groups streamers post are top-notch and generally more active than other streamer communities on Facebook also.
You can also join up on their Discord and start connecting with streamers. Once you hop in the discord. Get in touch with the admins so they can help you to get the word out more efficiently and in-front of the right streamers.
Streamer size – You can find here:
Small streamers and mid-sized streamers. – Games for Streamers comes recommended by one of the guys who can get you in touch with basically anyone in the genre. This dude is like an octopus who has his hands everywhere. I seriously do not know how he seems to be everywhere and in every streaming community. Does he sleep ever? Is still a mystery for us all. The dude I’m talking about is Kyle aka ModestMarill. But let’s talk about Noiz!
Noiz is a service where streamers and game developers can join to. People at Noize will help you to get in touch with streamers. Currently, as I’m writing this post there seems to be 683 streamers online in the discord. So this certainly is one place you should check upon. For you, I would straight up suggest that you would join Noiz discord server and contact the Noiz team. So they can help you get started there to spread awareness of your game for other streamers.
Streamer size – You can find here:
Small streamers, Mid-sized, larger streamers and partners
Keymailer – Games for Creators
Oh, the good old Keymailer. Keymailer is an oldie goldie that is still rocking the field while connecting content creators and game publishers.
They already have a straight-up setup and systems where you can join up and they will get in touch with you to help spread awareness of your game. Keymailer is the place streamers and content creators have trusted for years.
Streamer size – You can find here:
Small streamers, Mid-sized, larger streamers, and partners
StreamersGuides – Guides for Streamers
Oooh this place is awesome! So many good guides for streamers. Bwahaha sorry, I had to. But for reals. Not that many know that I actually offer spots for new and interesting software. We got a pretty nice list of streamers in the email list that are eager to get and play new games and stream them.
They just don’t have the numbers that high yet that they would even consider asking for game keys. The traffic in here mostly consists of smaller and starting up streamers so if they are your cup-of-tea I could possibly help out. You can easily get in touch with me via Twitter or through the form over here.
Bonus content!
If you are interested in sponsoring twitch streamers you should check guide from modash out. They go in great detail what kinds of ad systems you could use and how to find influencers for your business needs the best.